Below is a collection of what I feel are my best personal projects where I truly proved my current level of skills.

CGMA Level Design Projects

A collection of some of the favorite projects I produced while enrolled in the Level Design for Games course available at the CG Masters Academy.

The Megastructure

Taking inspiration from a manga series I enjoy (Blame!), I tried to create a vast, maze-like, dark, decrepit structure that encouraged exploration with rewards and unlockable areas, but also had an intense atmosphere that kept Players on their toes while avoiding dangerous entities.

Level Study of Death Stranding

A study of the level design and mechanics of the video game “Death Stranding” created by Kojima Productions. Built during a 48-hour “level design jam”, this is a short, single-player experience set in a large canyon where the Player must traverse challenging landscapes and sneak past deadly entities to collect Cargo from a dangerous enemy encampment in order to return it to an NPC at a safe area.


A First-Person Atmospheric Horror game with some light puzzle and combat elements set within a seemingly abandoned mansion that used to be home to 2 deranged scientists and their son.


A Third-Person Co-opetition Shooter game set in a world influenced by Westerns and H.P. Lovecraft.